
We acknowledge that all members of our school community will thrive when they are part of an environment that supports their internal motivational needs of autonomy, connectedness and competency. In other words, it is critically important that staff and students of OLSH feel that they have some control over their learning choices, that we feel connected and in close relationship with one another and that we can clearly see how we are improving in the various areas of school life.

At OLSH we are committed to providing the best possible learning experience for the students of our school. Our staff are on a journey to ensure that the teaching methods we use and the learning experiences we provide for our learners are embedded in practices that have the greatest possible positive impact on student learning. We use evidence gleaned from research, and from our own teaching experiences, to ensure that our students are constantly exposed to learning and teaching methods designed to continuously move them on an upward learning trajectory. 

Our learners will come to understand that learning is something that requires effort, that mistakes can be valuable learning experiences and that to retain what we learn we need to return to it multiple times throughout the course of the year. 

Our staff understands that different students require different levels of adjustment to help them succeed. We also understand that when a child is successful this drives their motivation to be successful again in the future. Whilst not all children are at the same level at the same time, every student is capable of advancing their learning throughout the course of each school term.

What we know about learning is growing significantly through advances in techniques and technologies that help us delve deeper into the brains and minds of learners as they learn. At OLSH, we are committed to keeping abreast of these findings so that our learners continue to learn, grow and become the best they can be.



Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School develops their curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Victorian Curriculum F – 10.
In addition, Religious Education is also taught across all year levels. The RE Curriculum is based on the CES Ltd Religious Education curriculum - Source of Life 2020.

Learning Areas



Religious Education

Health & Physical Education


The Arts




Critical & Creative Thinking Capabilities

Ethical Capabilities

Intercultural Capabilities

Personal & Social Capabilities


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